How to get your Spot XML Feed

If you have an annual subscription from, then you need to set up an XML Feed for our tracking system to be able to retrieve your tracking data.

What is an XML Feed? An XML Feed allows us to get the latest locations from your Spot. When setup correctly, our tracking system retrieves the data every few minutes from your XML Feed, stores it in our own database, and immediately updates the map for anyone viewing.

To set up an XML Feed follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your account at (opens in a new window).
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click on the Login button, you will be taken to the My Devices tab.
  4. Click on “SETTING & BILLINGS” at the top right.
  5. Scroll down.
  6. Click on the “XML FEED” VIEW/EDIT button.
  7. Click on the “Create XML Feed” link at the top right.
  8. In the “XML Feed Name” box enter a name (this can be anything you like).
  9. In the Devices box make sure there is a tick beside the SPOT device you want to connect to our tracking system, we recommend creating a separate XML Feed for each device.
  10. Make sure all the messages are ticked beside “Location Messages to Share”.
  11. Set “Share GPS Locations from the Last” to 7 Days (recommended).
  12. Set “Share Message Detail” if you want the message text you set in the device’s message profile to display in the tracking system (optional).
  13. If you would prefer viewers to enter a password to view your tracking select “Make XML page private” in “Security”. If private, enter the password you would like to use, this password will also be used in our tracking system – please do not use a password you would use elsewhere.
  14. Click on the Create button.
  15. A message box will display with “Your XML Feed ID:”, copy this to the clipboard (double-click to select then press Ctrl+C).
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